q59 dual band USB dongle
Probe and analyze 802.15.4, Zigbee, and 6LoWPAN networks remotely using the Q59 and Wireshark®.
Comprehensive analysis of an 802.15.4 PAN is simplified with the Q59 Sniffer Dongle. Capture packets on an 802.15.4-2015 network using the Q59, and then analyze them in real time with Wireshark®. Exegin has enabled Wireshark with protocol dissectors for 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN, Wi-SUN, jupiterMesh, ZigBee, and the ZigBee cluster libraries.
The Q59 support both sub-GHz and 2.4 GHz bands, along with a range of modulations, FSK, O-QPSK and OFDM.
The Q59 has a USB interface over which a virtual serial port is exposed. Drivers interface with the Q59’s MCP protocol and provide packet streams for Wireshark to read and display.
More than one Q59 can be used to cover different channels.
Received packets from each Q59 are time-stamped and forwarded to Wireshark. Wireshark is an industry-standard, open, cross-platform protocol analyzer. Wireshark supports a comprehensive set of filtering, triggering, and inspection tools, with Exegin-contributed protocol dissectors for 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN, and Zigbee. Have your own private profiles? No problem—you can modify the open source dissectors and watch your products work.
Wireshark PAN protocol dissectors
- 802.15.4
- Zigbee 2007
- Zigbee PRO
- Zigbee 3.0
- Zigbee SCoP (ZIPT)
- jupiterMesh
- Generic Zigbee Cluster Library
Wireshark is a registered trademark of the Wireshark Foundation.