Exegin’s networking devices allow you to easily interconnect your 802.15.4/Zigbee PAN with IP networks.
Q51 802.15.4 PANalyzer
Probe and analyze 802.15.4, Zigbee, and 6LoWPAN networks from anywhere using the Q51 PANanalyzer and Exegin’s Wireshark plugin.
Q53 Zigbee Gateway
Access and manage your Zigbee PAN from anywhere on the internet using standard web services protocols.
Q55 Golden Units
The PRO 2017 Golden unit devices cover all of the features and functions of the Zigbee PRO 2017. These reference platforms can be used to verify your implementation, for both 2.4GHz and sub-GHz Zigbee
Q59 Dual Band Dongle
Industry leading dual band USB dongle for 2.4GHz and sub-GHz Zigbee sniffers, test and development harnesses
Q70 Zigbee IP Local Border Router
Access and manage your Zigbee IPv6 802.15.4 network transparently with standard IPv6 protocols.
Q80 Wi-SUN FAN Platform
The Q80 is a compact platform that can function as a Wi-SUN FAN border router, designed to seamlessly forward IPv6 traffic between the outside world on an Ethernet link and a Wi-SUN 802.15.4 wireless network or as a Wi-SUN FAN intermediate router.